I really dislike the rain. I might even almost hate it. Walking around campus in the rain is one thing I will never look forward to. So since it is raining and I can only take limited pictures in my dorm room I decided to explore umbrella's and rain boots. I use a basic black umbrella that I bought at Target.
Of course you can buy umbrella's almost anywhere but the above umbrella is the one I have it is small and compact, it fits into a tiny pouch that is easy to carry. It was $16.99, but umbrellas come in a variety of colors at many different prices. I chose a simple black umbrella because frankly it matches with everything!
Recently, my grandma bought me a pair of rain boots! They are my favorite pattern hounds tooth and I absolutely love them! They are basic rubber rain boots. I have started to see these boots everywhere in all colors, patterns, and styles.
I would suggest getting your hands on an umbrella and some rain boots if you are a college student. Nothing is worse than getting wet! So go out and buy yourself some rubber boots and an umbrella, it is really worth the buy. :)