Thursday, December 9, 2010

Finals week.

Finals week is next week and I am already up to my neck in study guides and presentation preparations. I apologize for my lack of posts due to the mess of a week I will be having. I go home Wednesday so after that I should be able to post regularly. I was able to snap a few quick photos once I settled in for the night. Yes, I am not wearing shoes. Did not feel like throwing my snow boots on again. My outfit looked so much better without them on anyway. I wore a knit dress which I have not worn in a really long time. I ended up wearing my 3/4 length sleeve sweater on top along with a white scarf which was a DIY project of mine. I wore my white tights as well with a pair of thigh high black socks on top! I tried to dress fairly nice today for a presentation in one of my classes. Thank you to my new followers as well as my loyal readers! :)


  1. LOVE THIS OUTFIT, SJ. One of my faves! Good luck with finals and presentations, babe!!

  2. Love the dress! And as usual, your scarves totally rule! Shoeless? You don't need to put on your boots, looks like you have plenty of shoes to pick from! :-)


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